Custom medallions

I can produce custom “Ranger love” medallions for your theme camp or other Burning Man group. Interested? Here are the details:

Medallions will be the same size and style as the ranger love medallions.

Medallions can be customized on one or both sides. If you want to customize one side, you can have the second side either blank or the same image as the current year’s theme. (2024 Curiouser & Curiouser). With prior approval, it may be possible to have the Ranger Love image as the second side. Your artwork must be tasteful and appropriate. I alone will determine if your art qualifies for the Ranger Love second side.

If you choose two custom sides, you may print whatever you want (within some very loose restrictions).

If you will provide artwork, please try to send an EPS (illustrator) file format with fonts converted to curves. If not available, as high of resolution black & white bitmap.

Grey-scale or color images or bitmaps must be converted to black & white.

I’ll help as much as I can with the artwork. There are just some images or details that won’t print well.

Please take note of the deadline for order submittal. It is usually 7 weeks before start of event. Double check with me before placing order.



$2.00 per medallion

10 piece minimum

No maximum

$125.00 per custom side  
* Second side is free if you want either of the following:
** This year’s theme logo (2024 = Curioser & Curioser)

$10.00 shipping for quantity up to and including 50 pieces.

$20.00 shipping for quantity 51 and over.

$5.00 per $100 worth of USPS insurance.  You are covered for first $50.

Payment via PayPal — see

Don’t forget to email me after you pay: shipping address, your name, PayPal payment receipt number, etc.

Thank you!

Ranger Socrates.